YVWH-200 Water-to-Water Variable Speed Dual Screw Heat Pump
4,050 MBH (1,186 kW) Heating
200 tons (703 kW) cooling. Engineered as a practical high temperature water heating heat pump solution to help you make the transition from fossil fuel burning boilers, the YVWH is the first screw heat pump in North America to use ultra-low GWP R-1234ze refrigerant, making it compliant with both current and upcoming refrigerant regulations. With up to 25% lower annual energy costs and up to 30% less water consumed when compared to a conventional chiller and boiler system, ROI can be seen in as little as 3 years with 3x more efficiency.
- Delivers up to 176 °F (80 °C) water temps – the highest of any screw heat pump on the market
- 3-mode operation: heating only, cooling only or simultaneous heating and cooling