What Every Homeowner Should Know About Heating and Cooling Maintenance

Regular residential HVAC maintenance is the most important thing to keep your home's heating and air conditioning running smoothly. Not only can you help prevent costly last-minute repairs, you'll also have peace of mind that with proper HVAC maintenance services, your equipment is performing as it should in extreme heat, cold and everything in between. Here are the biggest benefits of regular home HVAC maintenance.
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Save Money

Paying closer attention to your HVAC system is one way to control your finances. In fact, it's a major part of your total household energy consumption according to energy.gov. When your HVAC equipment maintenance is on a regular schedule, you'll save money on energy bills and help prevent the high costs of repairing or replacing your system.

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Reduce Downtime

There's nothing worse than having your heat not work on a cold winter day or your air conditioner quit when it's sweltering out. If you need an emergency repair, you'll have downtime until it can get properly fixed. Regular HVAC system maintenance can help prevent those scenarios from happening in the first place. 

YORK® | Preservice Checklist

Increase Efficiency

When an HVAC professional is regularly testing your equipment and if you're cleaning or replacing your filters often, your equipment is going to run more efficiently than if you had a "set it and forget it" attitude.

Follow this HVAC Maintenance Schedule


When the temperature outside is at its warmest, around late spring through summer, you want to perform HVAC system maintenance on your air conditioner beforehand, such as in late winter or early spring. 


When the temperature outside is at its coolest, around late fall through winter, you want to perform HVAC system maintenance on your furnace beforehand, such as in early fall. 

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Download Our HVAC Maintenance Tips

Regular home HVAC maintenance means better operation all year long. Check out our HVAC maintenance checklist for information on maintaining indoor air quality equipment, air handlers, air conditioners and heat pumps, and gas furnaces.
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More Resources

Getting Started
If you're looking for HVAC experts or a reliable HVAC company, nothing compares to YORK®. Established in 1874 in York, Pennsylvania, YORK® has a legacy of being a trusted leader for all things residential HVAC. If you're considering YORK® HVAC equipment for your home's heating and cooling needs, here's what to think about first.
New HVAC System Installation
There comes a time in many homeowners' lives where they're looking at replacing their HVAC system. No matter where you are in your journey, you can benefit from understanding the HVAC process.
The Purchase Process
Whether you're repairing a current HVAC system or upgrading your residential HVAC equipment, there's a lot to consider.

Keep Your HVAC Equipment Functioning at its Best

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